| 1. | There is liquefactive necrosis with beginning formation of cystic spaces 发生液化性坏死并形成囊性空腔。 |
| 2. | Multilocular renal cell carcinoma has aggregates of clear cells within the septae dividing cystic spaces 多房性肾细胞癌的囊内有透明细胞的聚集,其间有分隔。 |
| 3. | This intermediate infarct of the frontal lobe shows liquefactive necrosis with formation of cystic spaces as resolution begins 随着溶解开始,额叶亚急性梗死导致液化性坏死并伴有囊性空腔形成。 |
| 4. | As this infarct in the brain is organizing and being resolved , the liquefactive necrosis leads to resolution with cystic spaces 肉眼观:左上角的脑组织梗死表现为液化性坏死。最终坏死组织被清除后留下空洞。 |
| 5. | In this example , the urothelial cells hae more basaloid appearance . some urothelial cell clusters hae central cystic spaces which may create pseudoglandular appearance 本例肿瘤细胞团块形成中空小囊样结构,造成假性腺体样结构的表现。 |
| 6. | Sometimes the old dark brown blood collects over time from repeated hemorrhage in a cystic space in the ovary and produces a so - called " chocolate cyst " 发生在卵巢反复出血,卵巢体积增大,形成囊腔,内含粘稠的咖啡色液体,称之为巧克力囊肿。 |
| 7. | Here is a large remote cerebral infarction . resolution of the infarction has left a huge cystic space encompassing much of the cerebral hemisphere in this neonate 新生儿大的陈旧性脑梗死灶。液化性坏死的溶解留下了一个巨大的囊性空腔,它包绕大脑半球的大部分。 |
| 8. | This is the microscopic appearance of a lacunar infarct . note that it is a cystic space from the resolved liquefactive necrosis . there can be hemosiderin pigment from hemorrhage as well 腔隙性梗死显微镜图像。注意液化性坏死溶解形成的囊性空腔。也可出现出血形成的含铁血黄素。 |